
Sunday, June 05, 2011

Masak Lemak Jantung PIsang....

Tengahari semalam (Sabtu), buat masak lemak cili api jantung pisang yg kat belakang rumah...punyalah lama tunggu jantung tu sesuai utk di gulaikan...akhirnya...kalau Angah datang mesti boleh rasa sekali...lepas tu panggang kepak ayam, berulamkan terung rebus, timun dan sambal belacan. Ajak anak sedara yng kat Simpang Pulai tu join. Emm..licin. Tak snap gambo sbb lupa. Esok (Ahad) nak gi Jusco sat cari buah2 dan brg makan untuk next week sbb cuti sakit lg seminggu. Seronok lah Kiki...duduk rumah ngan mak dia.

Minggu depan Khamis, staff Achu (16 org) semuanya nak datang lepak kat umah during lunch hr. Tak sabo tunggu Thursday. Nak order Domino Pizza.

3rd June (Kidney Sample Results)

Friday, June 03, 2011

Salam semuanya.., Achu dah terima result dr kidney sample hari ni. Baru balik dari Ipoh Specialist 12 noon tadi. Syukur alhamdullillah, doa Achu di makbulkan Allah, Lupus yang Achu tanggung ni cuma di Tahap 2. Jadi, Achu akan continue ubat yang sama. Achu kena continue for the next 4 weeks before the next visit and see whether can reduce the intake. Sekarang ni Achu makan 3 biji @ 3x sehari disamping ubat-ubat lain untuk jantung, gastric dan supplement Vitamin D. And ubat antibody ni walaupun boleh reduce ke minimum 2 biji sehari pun masih kena ambil for at least the next 2 years. Tu pun belum tentu boleh stop terus sebab antibodi tu boleh active semula. Doktor sambung MC Achu sampai next Friday. Dia nak bg 2 minggu tapi Achu kata bagi seminggu dulu kalau tak larat Achu mintak lagi.

Rupa2nya kidney sample tu dia hantar ke UM and was analyzed by one of the professor there. Walaupun SLE Achu di Tahap 2, satu perkara at risk is buah pinggang Achu. Dari sample yang di ambil, looks like 40% dari fungsi buah pinggang Achu dah damage. 60 % saja yang boleh berfungsi dan yang 60% ni lah nak di jaga dan Achu kena discipline makan ubat and Insyaallah I will ensure that. I must avoid salty food and no junk food allowed….Hopefully boleh bertahan.

Achu masih lagi lemah coz my body now is fighting the disease. Percaya tak, gosok baju sehelai pun, penatnya macam cuci satu rumah. Dua hari lepas, Achu buat chicken chop, just a simple meal for 3, lepas siap, nak mandi, Achu kena mandi sambil duduk atas lantai bilik air. Penat nya bukan kepalang. Achu kena letak kerusi kat bilik air in case tak larat nak mandi sambil berdiri. Achu juga tak boleh berada di public places sbb antibody lemah. Tadi balik singgah Parkson pun dah rasa stuffy kat jantung and lungs walaupun org tak ramai kat mall tu.

Anyway….dear sisters you all jgn jealous yer… my latest weight now 51kg, waist line 34-28-36. Body yang Achu selalau impikan now become reality…tapi tak tahu lah berapa lama bertahan…sbb ubat yang Achu ambik ni ada steroid, and as my body fights the disease, Achu akan turn to be energetic dan selera makan akan increased…I will need a lot of effort to control my diet, not only for the figure but for the control of water retention as well. Kalau tak back to square one and we do not want that to repeat…

Achu dah registered at www.lupus.org website introduced by Acik. Very informative. Jimie, Angah, Ateh kalau nak tahu more about Lupus…pls by all means lawat lah website ni. You will know more about Lupus. Lupus boleh attack total 11 organ manusia and for me dia dah attacked my blood, kidney, lungs and jantung. Hopefully with the ubat and dgn izinNya, it will not attack the rest of my organs. And doctor kata benda ni dah ada lama dlm badan Achu and Achu tahu dah actually melalui pembacaan dlm website ni. Tapi sbb Lupus ni dia imitate/tiru penyakit2 lain jadi kita tak aware. Achu yakin arwah mak dulu pun pengidap SLE berdasarkan input2 yang arwah mak pernah share. Contohnya mak sakit sendi, tgn mak selalu cramp , ya mak ada tiroid tapi tiroid pun boleh berpunca dr SLE dan darah tinggi pun boleh caused from SLE. Tapi masa tu kita tak tahu about SLE jadi mak cuma dapat rawatan utk tiroid dan darah tinggi dan tak pernah di rawat for SLE. Achu yakin pasal ni. Tapi apa2 pun Allah lebih tahu.

Suka Achu nak ingat kan that so far no cure for Lupus, ia Cuma boleh kurang kan deterioration impact to the body.
Tapi kita tak boleh putus asa sbb Allah ada. Allah lebih tahu dan lebih berkuasa menentukan.

Achu pun tak boleh menulis lama2, kupik bawang contohnya..sebab nanti dia akan cramp. Semalam tiba2 jari telunjuk Achu jadi lurus sendiri and cramp…Achu cepat2 sapu minyak angin and kembang kuncup kan jari..utk hilangkan cramp means long distance drive pun tak leh…bahaya.

With all the difficulties….actually Achu redha, sebab Achu yakin akan ada hikmah disebalik semua ni …ini Achu memang yakin….

Okaylah…Achu pun dah penat ni menaip…kang cramp pulak he he…

Achu lupa nak snap gambar , Kiki pun malas nak layan Achu utk snap gambar & bapa dia lak tgh belayar…demam sikit tu..I better stay away from him.

Okay…wassalam….miss you all.


Thursday, June 02, 2011

Just woke up from a nap... suddenly I feel that I need to write about me as there's are so many questions posted to me via my mobile and as well as my FB which I think I owe you guys some explaination on what have happen to me for the past 10 days in hospital. Besides, it would really save my time from having to explain to everyone when I came back to work....

My admitance to Ipoh Specialist dated May 16, 2 am.

Actually, I have been having a breating difficulties almost 2 weeks from this date. But I was thinking it is just a normal fatigue or tiredness due to age catching up. But the difficulties is unbearable anymore for me to stand until I cud not sleep on wee hrs 16 May Monday. At this point in fact few days before I have experienced a swollen feet and my face was flaberry. My hubby noticed this as well. So, since I cud not sleep, we quickly go to the nearest panel but it was closed and we decided to go to Ipoh specialist instead. Doctor on call reached abot 2.30 am. I was asked several question on my health history.

I never have high BP, heart problem or kidney problem & I can feel the doc already hv had his hypothesis in mind, but need to check further on it. At this point my BP is 212/190. High enough to cause stroke. Thanks to God for our decision to come here and doc's fast action, I was transferred to HDU ward May 17 pm, immediate action from Doc is to assist my breath with Oxigen and nebulizer& recover the high BP on the 3rd day (Wed). The next day they taken blood test and revealed the most shocking news of my health history.

The diagnosis May 17.

The blood test was completed after lunch and doc shared with me & hubby that I am diagnosis to have an antibody problem. Antibody suppose to function as imunisation to yr body but for my case the antibody have confused my cells as a bad cells and start attacking it and by now it already attacked my kidney, lungs and heart. It attacked my kidney, causing kidney functional failure which caused water retention on my lungs and caused breathing difficulties. Breathing difficulties caused high BP hence caused swollen on my heart. Kidney malfunction have caused low protein, low red cells and have created a lot of urine problem blood discharged, bubbly urine due to high protein discharge instead of being processed. First stage was to reduce the BP & clear the water retention from my lungs and body; so that 2nd stage of medication can be started. BP and lungs cleared on Wed. My weight when admitted is 61.9kg. By Thursday, weight was reduced to 57.1kg. That's explained all the while on my doubts when friends keep mentioniong I slim down but my weight keep on increasing...Today my weight is 53.8kg. Well I reach my goal to have an ideal weight eventhough it was not the way that I wanted to ha ha. But doc said I need to maintain between 53-58kg. Anything more than 58kg, I need to be careful as it cud possibly lead to water retention again as my kidney is still not fully functional. I will continue to control my water in take at 1L/day.

2nd blood test May 20th.

With all the above problems on my kidney, lungs and confirmed that my level of antibody sickness is at stage 2. There are 6 stages for this sickness. Since I have confirmed at stage 2, I was given medication to reduce the impact for this stage. Another blood test was sent to KL Lab on May 17th. to check if there's any other antibody that might be affected. We are waiting anxiously for this results and finally it's revealed on Friday about 3 pm. Another shocking news...I was diagnosis to have SLE (Systemick Lupus Erythematosus). But do not know whether it is stage 3 or 4 or 5 or 6. To determine which stage and what is the perfect medicine regime, I need to undergo a Biopsi, simple procedure to take kidney sample for another test. Well what is SLE? You can find out more from the web...just google SLE, but briefly, it is chronic autoimun disease where a lot of blood protien which is the antibody that produced in my body without any reason and this antibody (which is bad) will react and attack my organ instead of protecting it. It can attacked any organ; skin, heart, lungs, kidney, joints, nerve or even brain. For my case, it had attacked my lungs, heart and kidney.

Root cause to SLE --- docs said unknown but it can be due to hormon instability, genetic, medication history, virus or even direct expose to sun light.

Biopsi May 23rd May

Since confirmed to have SLE, they have taken sample from my kidney to determine which stage. From thereon doc will outline the perfect medication regime for me to fight this sickness. The results will be out June 3rd. I will need to stay home till then before the next course of actions.

The medication regime- side impact

Be it stage 3-6, the strength of the SLE medication in terms of side effect is very much similar to the strenghtness of medication for cancer patient. Since the medicine will kill the bad antibody it will also end up killing the good ones, which will impact my other antibody system hence I will be easily expose to sickness & will gain weight as well as the medicine contain steroid. So guys...pls do not feel surprise if you will see me with facemask and with umbrella during sunny days and one time slim and another time chubby.....

Cure? - well unfortunately, there's no cure for this sickness. The medicine can only reduce the impact and deterioration that SLE caused to my organ.

I think that's all from me...I hope it somehow or rather clear the doubts in you about my condition. Not to worry, I am more than prepare now to face this most challenging experience of my entire life.

Your support and advise gives me courage to pull it thru...

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